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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Re: The Second Amendment

I received an e-mail today calling me on the last post that I made yesterday in regards to the Second Amendment. What was brought to my attention absolutely reminded me that my testicles must have been in my other purse.

Let me correct myself.

I do believe that we have the INALIENABLE rights to protect ourselves. I also know that we are commanded by God to do so. In the case that our nation has become (a sorry one at that), we are to a breaking point. Several people believe that we are at the tipping point of our nation's history.

This may sound like an interesting claim, but need I remind you that bureaucrats are the problem. We have allowed the progressive leftists to overrun our nation’s capitol and are suffering for it.

I do not call for unnecessary intentional harming of others, but let’s face it folks we’re screwed.

The more we let things go the worse we are becoming. For what? The feelings of those who are so morally misguided that having sex with children is ok and marriage and God are not.

The problem is we have only ourselves to blame. WE as a nation have voted into our most precious of offices a racist, immoral, blaspheming anti-Christian who holds such disdain for America as to be on an even keel with Osama Bin Laden. Look at the spending, the immoral execution of funds and laws, the czars, the executive orders (or threats at this point) to undermine the ENTIRE democratic system for some B.S. about American border policies being too stringent.

I was entirely wrong that war most never be an option. It took a great man to call me on my B.S.

I hope that we don’t end there but have you ever took a minute to THINK about why America is not referred to in the book of Revelation?

We simply are not there. Whether because of economic collapse, military dissolution, or simply being destroyed by one of our enemies, we are just not there.

So let me give you an excerpt of what it was that set me straight:

“1. The Constitution GRANTS NOTHING! Ownership of defensive weapons including firearms is INALIENABLE. It is a right granted, no... It is a commandment given by GOD HIMSELF.

2. To everything there is a season. That includes a time for war, which this nation is quickly approaching on several fronts. AND WAR IS THE CORRECT ANSWER. War was the correct answer to Pearl Harbor in 1941, in fact, it would have been the correct answer in 1939 when Germany invaded Poland. War with the British was the correct answer in 1776. War was the correct answer in 1812. War with Mexico was the correct answer again in 1842. And war was the correct answer in 1914. Every one of these just wars absolutely solved something that desperately needed solving at that time.

The wars that do not solve anything are unjust, wrong or wars fought in a half-hearted manner. These are wars that shouldn't be fought at all either because they're unwinable or we don't have the heart to complete the task assigned to us. The US Civil War, the Korean War, Viet Nam, "the war on poverty", "the war on drugs", Iraq, Afghanistan are great examples of wars we never should have engaged in.

3. Wars are of their nature violent but Americans have embraced the concept of "civilized war". They want war where as few people as possible are injured or killed. They want infrastructure intact when the war is over. This is not how you fight a war. Wars need to be so very violent and destructive your enemy never wants to engage with you again.”

Remember that if the Constitution can GIVE us a right it can also TAKE IT AWAY.


  1. Yes....... now you're beginning to understand. Take two examples from history.

    In German schools today they teach their children that they were wrong for engaging in WW2. Hitler was indeed evil. Germany and the German people were soundly defeated. Today they recognize their error, are truly sorry for it and have become a good neighbor to all who seek peace.

    On the other hand, go to any Southern city in the US and they still speak of "the War of Northern Aggression". Unfortunately winners of wars are the ones who get to write the history. That doesn't mean the history they write is in any way accurate. History claims the Civil War was about slavery. That's a lie plain and simple. The Civil War was about States Rights.

    Contrary to popular opinion the US Constitution is not about granting rights to anyone. It is, and only is, about limiting the power of the Federal Government to a very specific set of responsibilities.

    Governments, all governments in the United States, are a creation of the People. The People are the ultimate authority. The People alone retain the absolute right to alter or abolish the government they created. And, as the current Federal Government is foreign to the will of its creators, it may soon have to be altered or abolished.

    As always, we pray for peace while we prepare for war!

  2. Thank you for reading and I hope you continue. As for War? I hope not. But I am prepared or getting there.


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