I understand if you want to comment on my posts. I speak controversially and expect to upset, challenge or embrace any or all of you. Feel free to post comments in my forum so as to allow for us all to interact with you.

The Forum rules are posted in the Community Rules post and are moderated by myself as of now.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Form of a Republic

Since the beginning of our nation, leaders have referred top our nation as a Republic.  The Fact that we have utilized democracy as the basis for how we are governed is common knowledge among Americans.

Or is it?

The definition of an American republic was established by James Madison, originally as a representative republic rather than a direct democracy.  A direct democracy is where you and I would vote on everything; we would pass bills, veto laws, etc. This is most commonly seen in some local elections as "balance measures." This form of voting usually has little to no nationwide impacts.

The reason that ballot measures typically will not affect America nationwide, is because our form of government is a representative republic.  The means that you and I will vote for representatives to appropriately vote or establish laws and policies on our behalf. 

Here’s how the original set up of our nation’s republic used to look.

Voters would elect their local representatives.  These state reps would choose federal reps to act on the state’s behalf at the federal level.  If the state’s interests were not being represented accurately, the state would recall the representative or senator in question and replace them with someone who would.

The beauty of this system allowed for little government rule over the states and established a necessary means of regulating interstate/international commerce by establishment of a monetary system and protecting our nation via the military.

However, after the Civil War, the United States Federal government changed its viewpoint to reflect that we were no longer sovereign states overseen by a limited government.  The United States of America changed from being treated as plural – “these united States” – to being a single entity – “the United States.”

With this change, America was now one nation in all aspects.  Our federal government then had acquired the power to reign supreme over the states, and states’ rights became a far second to federal wants.  This directly violates that 10th amendment.  (Essentially the states were now like counties in a state.)  While I agree with the 13th Amendment to abolish slavery, when President Lincoln enacted federal policy over the South, he set a precedent – that the federal government has absolute power over the people.

While  modern apologetic and progressive educators will attempt to convince us that the Civil War was only about slavery, it was not.  It was about and only about state’s rights to govern themselves. 

Later in American history, with the ratification of the 17th Amendment, in 1911 by the Senate and 1912 by the House, the states lost more of their sovereignty.  The 17th Amendment allowed for direct election of federal congressmen by popular vote.  At times and even now it may seem a good idea that we the people are to be choosing our legislators.

There are two major problems in this reasoning.

1.       The masses, the people of our nation, have become weak minded, slack moral, ill-educated fools.  Most Americans don’t care or care to know about their rights, politics, or their politicians.  9/10 people that I’ve asked (out of 113) have never even read the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence.  This is scary.  If we don’t know what the issues are or don’t care, direct elections can be very dangerous, as we can currently see.

2.       The federal government usurps the power from the states and helps themselves to your money, your freedoms and your life.  Take Obama-care for instance, that bill has dozens of new taxes that strips you of your hard-earned money; it demands we submit our health and at times our very lives to the will of some unseen bureaucrat who knows where.  The federal legislators are not even required to follow these laws; they are exempt from Obama-care.  Many federal legislators have been proposing and pushing for submitting our nation to the rule of the United Nations.  This means that everything we know is in jeopardy.  Every freedom – speech, religion, even down to how we teach our children becomes dictated to us by the United Nations.

These examples are only a few to give you an idea about the gravity of the situation.  This is what the popularity contest and Facebooking and Twittering and basically “prom king and queen” type politics has gotten us via the popular vote. 

I bring this not to scare you, but you should be.  I don’t want you to hate our nation, but hate those who lack integrity.  In the upcoming elections you will see ads against conservatives who want to, or have the personal convictions that, our nation needs to be restored to a states’ rights nation.  The Leftists say that these candidates want to strip you of your right to vote.  It is definitely not that.  There is concern for people who vote based off of their Facebook account or Twitter, or because it’s the cool person, rather than voting based off the issues. 

Our rights have been threatened, but not because of conservatives looking for smaller government.  They have been threatened by the teenie-boppers and peer pressure.  Our rights have been threatened by our own stupidity and ignorance.

Friday, September 17, 2010

“Silence is Golden” as Federal Policy?

Today is Constitution Day.

Unfortunately, this week we may see the beginnings of yet another attack on our Constitution.  Supreme Court Justice Breyer was interviewed on Good Morning America this week about his new book.  However, discussions strayed from his new book to the consequences of citizens using their speech freely, as demonstrated last weekend with Florida Pastor Jones in the threat to burn a Koran.

I have avoided writing about Pastor Jones regarding his threat to burn a Koran for a specific reason.  I wanted to see what the outcome would be.  I knew that the Usurper in Chief would get involved and that Jones would have most likely not followed through on his promise to burn a Koran on 9/11 of this year.

For the very reason he was chastised and ridiculed as a hate-monger, he should have burned the Koran.  He was Constitutionally protected to do so, and as any good American using his right to free speech, there should have been no repercussions for it.

Justice Breyer mentioned that, “Holmes said it doesn’t mean you can shout ‘fire’ in a crowded theater… Well, what is it?  Why?  Because people will be trampled to death.”  Even someone in a highly respected position as a Supreme Court Justice can be unmistakably wrong.

Justice Breyer is referring to Former Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.'s opinion in the United States Supreme Court case Schenck v. United States in 1919.  This is a popular Quote but often taken out of context.  The misquote fails to mention falsely shouting fire to highlight that speech which is merely dangerous and false which can be distinguished from truthful but also dangerous.  The quote is used as an example of speech which serves no conceivable useful purpose and is extremely and imminently dangerous, which is not practical and expresses the permissible limitations on free speech consistent with the terms of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

Here is the key, the Supreme Court has ruled in past that false and dangerous speech should be limited, not true and dangerous speech.  Pastor Jones wanted to show Islam that enough was enough and we (as Christians) were not going to take any more of their – let’s say stuff.  I absolutely agree that we should not allow for the Islamic Jihadists of our world dominate nor dictate to us how we are to act or believe.  It is only out of fear that they may attain that power. 

So if it is illegal to shout “fire” when there is no fire, because the powers that be say that someone might be unintentionally hurt, why do people see that burning a Koran is a bad thing?  If Jones were to burn a Koran and – as this past week has shown – Muslim extremists go out and kill some Christians for it, are these unintentional repercussions?

No.  They are not the direct result of his own actions or speech.  When these Christians were killed this week, that was the intentional reaction of militant terrorists that had an “religious” affinity for killing Christians already.  These Jihadists were only acting out they ONLY thing they know how to do.  Behave like a two year old with a gun.

Back to the point. 

If Justice Breyer and his anti-patriots in the Supreme Court bring the First Amendment under review, it will become just one more way for the government to attain power.  One more way, for our nation to fall.

He goes on to suggest that cases are what will determine the legality of burning a Koran.  “Cases produce briefs, briefs produce thought.  Arguments are made.  The judges sit back and think.  And most importantly, when they decide, they have to write an opinion, and that opinion has to be based on reason.”  With the reasoning that comes from the Leftist-Progressive judges in the Supreme Court currently holding position, this is a scary thought.

Do you see the irony in making it illegal to burn a Koran, in a Nation where it is legal to burn a Bible and the American Flag?  Scary times ahead.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Consequence of Declaring War

The great messianic fallacy has declared war on the United States of America. This is going to be presented in a few parts and laid out so we may see what the Usurper in Chief is actually doing.

1 – The Creation of Separatists

Over the past few weeks, our treasonous Usurper in Chief and his minions have condemned Arizona both verbally (press conferences) and written (Human Rights Counsel Report) for long overdue immigration legislation. He has done this while proclaiming that he has never read the legislation. It only makes him look like a fool.

However, the consequences of appealing to the United Nations Human Rights Counsel in order to condemn the state of Arizona to international law will be dire. He essentially told Arizona that they are subject to International judiciaries and no longer under the protection of the United States. Being that each of the states in the US are sovereign in their own right, the Federal government is Constitutionally subservient to the states. In other words, the Federal government derives its power from the states, not the other way around, as they would have us believe.

Already there have been 22 states that have placed immigration legislation on the tables of their State Congresses (http://www.alipac.us/ftopic-196989-0.html). Of these states, eleven have filed a “friend of the court” brief with the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals arguing that a federal judge was wrong to block implementation of key provisions of the law. Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Louisiana, Michigan, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas and Virginia joined in the filing (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/09/04/states-join-legal-brief-supporting-ariz-immigration-law-donations-roll-gov/).

Basically, this means that these states have filed with the court to offer testimony or legal assistance on behalf of Arizona.

What does this means for us? Well, consider this. The Usurper in Chief has already taken one state to the United Nations, what is holding him back from doing it again? Absolutely nothing. That means that he will be submitting almost half of the nation to the United Nations for a judgment that is not even in their jurisdiction. He has essentially offered one state to the chopping block and will most likely follow suit with the others.

Taken by itself, what could be more offensive than the federal government trying to bring down world opinion against a single state? A state that that same federal government was created and has a duty to protect. But coupled with the potential for taking the remaining states to the United Nations and you have yourself a segmented group of states that have been isolated from the rest of the nation, which may well, result in succession by those states and civil war.

2 – Financial Destruction

There are a few major points to consider when evaluating American economic policies lately. Spending is way out of hand. The first stimulus didn’t work and the White House administration is proposing a second one (http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2010/09/a-second-stimulus/62543/). Obama-care is going to cost even more and they want to add a “Cap and Trade” tax on all carbon emissions produced by energy and production companies.

“Cap and Trade” taxation is but one razor that will slice the wrists of our productivity and the incurred costs will only be passed down to Americans through surcharges and other means. This will even further destroy our middle class.

A value added tax – or VAT – if implemented means that anytime a good is produced or improved upon, there will be a tax charged on the seller. Take a loaf of bread for example, the wheat is harvested – tax, the mill grinds the wheat into flour – tax, another company makes yeast – tax, the dairy farm milks the cows – tax, the chicken farmer collects eggs – tax, the baker bakes the bread – tax. This could mean we end up paying $10.00 for a loaf of bread. Essentially starving Americans into submission.

The last of many financial attacks brought to Americans under the guise of “making a better America,” is the hush-hush pushing through of the Transaction Tax. This is a tax that I have discussed with all recently and can be found here - http://secondamendmentman.blogspot.com/2010/08/tax-storm-is-coming.html. “This ‘Transaction Tax’ would impose a 1% tax on every transaction except buying and selling stock. If you use your debit cards, credit cards, cash, check book, transfer funds from checking to savings, put money into an IRA for retirement. Every time you pay with a check card to buy gas, 1%. Every time you buy baby formula in cash, 1%. Every time you buy toilet paper, 1%. water, rent, mortgage, insurance, deposit a paycheck, withdraw “tooth fairy” money for the kids, cash a check, even to use cash – 1%.”

These financial attacks against you and me are only another tool that the leftist extremists, lead by the Usurper in Chief, are using to castrate the American people. If you take away our money, we have nothing to fight you with. If we can’t feed ourselves, we are too weak to lift our voice.

3 – Personal Security

The Second Amendment prohibits the Federal government from taking away our right to bear arms to protect ourselves from vicious criminals as well as calling for an ever-ready militia in case of invasion or the presence of an authoritarian regime in America. Because we are commanded by God to protect our families and ourselves, the Second Amendment “grants” you and me nothing. We already have that right ordained by our Creator.

Recently there have been attacks on this right. And in the very near future we will see gun control becoming an absolute. Next Tuesday, on September 14, 2010, the Senate Judiciary Committee will review the firearms commercial markets (http://judiciary.senate.gov/hearings/hearing.cfm?id=4771).

Given Senator Leahy’s (D-VT)extreme anti-gun rights stance, and his position as the Chairman of the Committee, this meeting cannot go well. There is very little information being released at this time, however, key members of the Judiciary Committee have stated that it is response to “commercial provisioning of firearms on the public market.” This basically means that we are going to see private sales attacked, possibly high end permits for owning and purchasing guns, the need to have a permit to purchase ammo, etc.

While the courts may find these types of actions do not violate the Second Amendment, increasing the costs of - and decreasing the accessibility of - acquiring firearms and ammunition are flat out in violation of both the spirit and plain reading of the Constitution. This is quite possibly in response to Montana’s legislation HOUSE BILL 246 (http://data.opi.mt.gov/bills/2009/billhtml/HB0246.htm), stating that the Federal Government’s imposing power does have limits found in the 10th Amendment (http://secondamendmentman.blogspot.com/p/constitution-of-united-states.html) and that sovereignty over Montana, remains with the state of Montana. Further in the bill it provisions that firearms or ammunition manufactured in Montana, that stay in Montana, are not under and cannot be federally regulated. Many other states must follow suit.

Remember folks, the 9th and 10th amendment states two things. The 9th Amendment states that any duties that are not authorized by the Constitution belong to the states or to the people. The 10th Amendment states that the federal government does not get any power that the Constitution does not expressly give it. The federal government has no rights. It has only duties given to it by its creators (the states) and the whole purpose of the Constitution was to prevent them from usurping unauthorized authority. We should step out of our ignorance and step up to the Usurper. Let us show Congress that we will not take any more of this destruction of our hollowed nation. Millions of Americans have fought, shed blood or died for our nation since its birth. The least we can do is pay homage to it enough to see it thrive and not die in the hands of the Usurper in Chief and his minions.

Consider this, we are taxed to a point where we cannot afford food or energy, we have no strength to protect ourselves even if we needed to, but now with no money, we cannot afford to buy our protection with anything but subservience to the messianic fallacy himself.

“Oh Great Usurper, will you allow us to protect our homes or feed our children?”

Not going to happen on this front. The Usurper in Chief has driven Americans to the point where we will fight back. It may not be just yet, but it will be soon. The Usurper in Chief wants a revolution of great proportion? He will get it by the hands and blood of true Americans.

He will get his revolution.

“In times of change, the Patriot is a scarce man; brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot.” Mark Twain

Friday, September 10, 2010


I must apologize for not posting on some of the current events in the government much this week.  I have been dealing with my next post.  There has been some cause for research and - on a personal note - some cause for hesitation with my findings. 

Coming up:

The Consequence of Declaring War

Monday, September 6, 2010

Offend Me No More

(Found On  The Tree)
NORTHGLENN, Colo. -- A high school student in Northglenn is upset that campus security told him to remove the large American flags flying from his pickup truck because it might make others uncomfortable. Jeremy Stoppel told 7NEWS he got a ticket at Northglenn High School last Thursday for squealing his tires. He said he deserved that ticket and deserved having his parking lot pass suspended for two weeks. But he's upset that campus security then told him he can't fly his 3 feet by 5 feet flags in the bed of his pickup truck anymore.

"She said I should take my flags down. She said this is a school that focuses on diversity and she doesn't want anyone to feel uncomfortable," Stoppel said. "How do you suppose anyone would feel uncomfortable in America with an American flag? That's where I'm confused."


This is a disturbing scenario. Now, granted the principal of the high school in Northglenn, CO stated that she was unaware of the situation. If the security supervisor did not report that incident to the principal as she should have, that is understandable.

However, any security command needs to – and is often mandatory - be reported to the principal. So it is unlikely that the principal was unaware of the discussion between the student and the security supervisor.

Does anyone think that this sounds slightly familiar?

How about the Cinco de Mayo issue in California, where a group of boys were sent home from school for wearing an American flag on their t-shirts because the principal was afraid it would offend someone.

Straight up, here it is…

If the American flag offends you, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!

You will see an American flag in this country. You will see an American flag in front of my home and everyone on my street. You will not have any one concerned about your “feelings” regarding the American flag on our block because this… is America.

You would be shot if you went to China and started demonizing the Chinese flag, most likely the same thing would happen in Mexico if you were to pull this crap. Actually, most parts of Los Angeles you’d be shot for demonizing the Mexican flag.

Jokes aside, anywhere that you want to live, work, play or exist you must tolerate certain things. If you come to this country, you WILL tolerate MY flag.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Washington Times Publishes Call For Impeachment

President Obama has engaged in numerous high crimes and misdemeanors. The Democratic majority in Congress is in peril as Americans reject his agenda. Yet more must be done: Mr. Obama should be impeached.

He is slowly - piece by painful piece - erecting a socialist dictatorship. We are not there - yet. But he is putting America on that dangerous path. He is undermining our constitutional system of checks and balances; subverting democratic procedures and the rule of law; presiding over a corrupt, gangster regime; and assaulting the very pillars of traditional capitalism. Like Venezuela's leftist strongman, Hugo Chavez, Mr. Obama is bent on imposing a revolution from above - one that is polarizing America along racial, political and ideological lines. Mr. Obama is the most divisive president since Richard Nixon. His policies are Balkanizing the country. It's time for him to go.
It is about time some one has the backbone to print the truth about the matter.  I hope each and every one of you out there gets a chance to read this mans article in the Washington Times. 

There is a large supporting argument that is backed by our Nation's ever-growing feelings that the Usurper in Chief must go.  I cannot put it in any better terms than the way Mr.  Jeffrey T. Kuhner did in this article.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Banning the Second Amendment!

Think of this, you are on your property in North Carolina. You go to the street to tape up damaged windows on your car. You are weary of looters or other ragamuffins that could potentially harm you or your family, so you wear your S&W 686 .357 with pride to fend off your foes. You make it to the street and you hear, “Excuse me, sir.”

Turning around you see a police officer standing there with cuffs in one hand and his gun in the other. “I need you to put the gun down and get on your knees. Now!”

In doing as you are told the windows don’t get fixed, and you get taken to jail for FOUR months. This, all for protecting yourself while in a state of emergency. Sounds like a crock of something doesn’t it. Well, for North Carolina residents, this nightmare became a reality.

Just yesterday, the governor of North Carolina, Bev Perdue, issued Executive Order No. 62 to declare a State of Emergency for North Carolina in advance of the arrival of Hurricane Earl. By doing this, she effectively banned the use of guns in North Carolina.

What is Executive Order No. 62? It is pretty much just a state of emergency legislation. However, General Statute 14-288.7, directly prohibits the transportation of “dangerous weapons.”

Here is what it says:
§ 14 288.7. Transporting dangerous weapon or substance during emergency; possessing off premises; exceptions.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, it is unlawful for any person to transport or possess off his own premises any dangerous weapon or substance in any area:
          (1) In which a declared state of emergency exists; or
          (2) Within the immediate vicinity of which a riot is occurring.
(b) This section does not apply to persons exempted from the provisions of G.S. 14 269 with respect to any activities lawfully engaged in while carrying out their duties.
(c) Any person who violates any provision of this section is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. (1969, c. 869, s. 1; 1993, c. 539, s. 192; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c).)
If this order is violated, you could go to jail for up to 120 days. This impacts the lives of anyone with a concealed handgun permit, sport shooters, and anyone else carrying or possessing a firearm outside their homes.

Unfortunately, the victims of hurricane Katrina had felt the sting of this type of law as well and many suffered for it. Now, a couple of states have put into place laws protecting the second amendment from emergency acts such as this one.

One specific problem in having legislation like General Statute 14-288.7, is that the federal government can place these laws into affect as well. In fact, Rahm Emanuel, White House Chief of Staff, is noted saying, “You never let a serious crisis go to waste.” Which can be lead to understand that the federal government’s stance on this would be that they have the right to suspend the Second Amendment indefinitely.

This is unconstitutional. The governor of North Carolina has opened Pandora’s Box by signing this law. Essentially, this kind of legislation could be used to ban handguns across the nation. Given the Usurper in Chief’s stance on gun control, the possibility for a nationwide ban is not far reaching.

In a 2008 Presidential Debate, The Usurper in Chief stated on the issue, “…Just because you have an individual right does not mean that the state or local government can’t constrain the exercise of that right...”

While denying that he endorsed a handgun ban in Illinois, documentation exists and was filed while he ran for the State Senate in 1996 showing his true thought on the matter. When asked, “Do you support state legislation to ban the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns?”
He responded, “Yes.”
Ban assault weapons? “Yes.”
Mandatory waiting periods and background checks? “Yes (http://bit.ly/ainWME).”

The Usurper in Chief has always held the mentality of restricting (at best) and banning (at worst) American’s right to bear arms.

Here’s the deal, we as human beings have the right, a calling by God, to protect ourselves and our families with the force that we have at our disposal. No government or political power should be able to take that away. EVER.

This means that any ban – potential or enacted – on our ability to protect ourselves and/or families is not only unconstitutional but goes against our very Creator. All it takes is one insignificant little action of one insignificant individual and it would cause a massive domino effect. Given this current administration's stance on gun control, they could essentially strip us of our rights to bear arms FOREVER. Just one excuse under the guise of National Defense, one considerable threat and guns are no more.

The commonly held misperception of the Second Amendment only ensures that the politicos are unable to take our guns from us without a reason. We reject the very idea that rights come from government. Rights, all of them, including the right to keep and bear arms, are God's gift to mankind. The various amendments to the Constitution are nothing more than a directive from our founding fathers to all future governments that they may NOT infringe on those rights.

Remember... "REBELLION TO TYRANTS IS OBEDIANCE TO GOD" http://gunshowonthenet.com/writings/OriginalIntent.html

Once you leave your property in North Carolina you must do so unarmed for the duration of the emergency. That is, unless you are going dove hunting. I'm sure it would be too expensive for the state to give up the revenue from dove hunters. http://www.ncwildlife.org/NewsReleases/090210_Dove_Season_Opens_as_Scheduled_on_Sept4htm.htm

Find Executive Order No. 62 here.

General Statute 14-288.7,

More information on the Usurper in Chief’s views on gun control here:

To contact the Governor's Office in North Carolina:
Constituent Services Office

The Constituent Services Office is here to respond to requests and questions from citizens throughout North Carolina. To contact the Constituent Services Office:
Office of the Governor
Constituent Services Office
116 West Jones Street
Raleigh, North Carolina 27603
Phone: (800) 662-7952 or (919) 733-2391
Fax: (919) 733-2120

Governor’s Office
Office of the Governor
20301 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-0301
Phone: (919)733-4240
Fax: (919)733-2120

America Land of the Free No More‏

You will never believe what the Usurper in Chief has done now. Never in my life would I imagine that this could happen to such a great nation.

We are losing our sovereignty, our ability to rule ourselves.

The Usurper in Chief has filed charges of human rights violations against the state of Arizona. These charges were filed against Arizona, not to a state or federal judge, but to the United Nations Human Rights Counsel.

The Usurper in Chief is the only president in American history to have gone to any other form of governing body to enforce or change laws in our nation. One of the problems with this whole scenario is that the Usurper in Chief did not even read the Arizona law. If he did, He would realize that it states several times in the legislation that there is no power to do anything outside or above the existing federal immigration law.

Let me sum up the Arizona law for you, as it is about 15 pages long. The major points are as follows:
1. No one should be living in the state of Arizona unless they are lawfully permitted to live in the United States of America.
2. If by any normal legal means, you are found to be living in the state of Arizona unlawfully, you will be detained and prosecuted.
3. It is only by reasonable suspicion that an officer of the law may question your legal status.
4. You may need to prove legal residence in order to rent or buy property, get a job or solicit work.
5. If you are an employer and repeatedly hire unlawful workers you can and most likely will lose your business licensing indefinitely.
6. If you are questioned about your legal residency status and are found illegal you can be deported after you pay your fines.
7. If you are unlawfully in the United States don’t get caught with guns or drugs or the chemicals to make drugs or bombs.
8. If you are an unlawful resident, get caught with in a car, and you don’t have a sober spouse over the age of 21 when you are arrested, your car will be impounded.
9. If you are found to be repeating your unlawful entrance to the United States, you will find yourself facing felony charges.
There are a few more details but the meat and potatoes are there. There is absolutely nothing about race, ethnicity or profiling in the law. However, I strongly suggest that if you are stopped by a cop in Arizona, well, speak English.

With that said, the Usurper in Chief has deemed it appropriate – which it is not – to charge Arizona with human rights violations – which they do not – because this law specifically precludes the use of racial and ethnic profiling – which it does not – and he sees it as a means of racism – which it is not.

Keep in mind that the Usurper in Chief has stated that he has not ever read the bill. Maybe he should.

In the report he filed with the United Nations, however, there was a much different story. His report is 29 pages, most of which is his descriptive and creative version of American History and how we are and have been consistent with the oppression and demonization of minorities of race and orientation.

He goes on to declare that he has made many improvements while in office to rectify the oppression in America. He even goes on to state that he is proud to have a majority of LGBT people on his personal staff and as cabinet directors. Good for him.

He briefly describes the situation in Arizona and makes more fluff statements about how he is doing this or that to better the human rights “situation” in America.

Why is this such a problem, you may ask?

Well, the biggest issue is the whole idea of the United Nations becoming a governing power over what is and has always been a free nation. Unfortunately, when the Usurper in Chief decided to hand the power of the American people over to the United Nations, that leaves the door wide open for them to step in and start enacting their laws in the state of Arizona if they do not concede and remove the law.

The Usurper in Chief has stated several times that he is ready for the New World Order and this is just the excuse he was looking for. Why else after losing lawsuits among the federal judges would he usurp the American democratic procedure and appeal to international law?

What is really disconcerting is that there are another 22 states that have or are proposing to have nearly identical legislation on the table in the near future:
ALABAMA http://www.alipac.us/article-5570-thread-1-0.html
ARKANSAS http://www.alipac.us/ftopict-197465.html
COLORADO http://www.alipac.us/article-5571-thread-1-0.html
FLORIDA http://www.alipac.us/ftopicp-1081285.html
IDAHO http://www.alipac.us/ftopict-199712.html
INDIANA http://www.alipac.us/ftopict-198939.html
MARYLAND http://www.alipac.us/ftopict-196969.html
MICHIGAN http://www.alipac.us/ftopict-198354.html
MINNESOTA http://www.alipac.us/ftopict-196774.html
MISSOURI http://www.alipac.us/ftopict-196852.html
NEBRASKA http://www.alipac.us/ftopicp-1063462.html
NEVADA http://www.alipac.us/ftopict-197562.html
NEW JERSEY http://www.alipac.us/ftopict-196431.html  
NORTH CAROLINA http://www.alipac.us/ftopicp-1067121.html
OHIO http://www.alipac.us/ftopict-196379.html
OKLAHOMA http://www.alipac.us/ftopict-196263.html
PENNSYLVANIA http://www.alipac.us/ftopicp-1052137.html
RHODE ISLAND http://www.alipac.us/ftopict-199918.html
SOUTH CAROLINA http://www.alipac.us/ftopict-197015.html
TENNESSEE http://www.alipac.us/ftopict-204376.html
TEXAS http://www.alipac.us/ftopict-196627.html
UTAH http://www.alipac.us/ftopict-196365.html  
If the Usurper in Chief gets his way with Arizona he will be taking on half of this nation. If the United Nations does decide against Arizona, then with Arizona the rest could fall under the United Nations jurisdiction.

The United Nations has no authority to make any law in the United States.
Now consider that 64% of Americans support an Arizona S.B. 1070 type law in their state (Source: http://bit.ly/9q0WyB). What does this mean to the Usurper in Chief?

Nothing. We mean absolutely nothing. America means absolutely nothing. Democracy means absolutely nothing. Only the “leftist-progressive-social justice.”

What was it Reverend Wright taught about Liberation Theology?

Remember that the Constitution is THE end all when it comes to American Governance. The United States code backs it up. The United Nations is blocked by the Constitution and has NO sovereignty over the United States. This is a treasonous act and grounds for impeachment, Usurper in Chief be warned.

You tread on dangerous ground.

You Decide…

Where To find the United States Immigration and Nationality Act

Where to find the Usurper in Chief’s report to the UN

Where to find the Arizona S.B. 1070