I understand if you want to comment on my posts. I speak controversially and expect to upset, challenge or embrace any or all of you. Feel free to post comments in my forum so as to allow for us all to interact with you.

The Forum rules are posted in the Community Rules post and are moderated by myself as of now.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Appeal to Repeal‏

The implications for our nation's desire to repeal the 14th Amendment are great, yet shocking.

First, the 14th Amendment of our constitution basically grants that anyone born within the borders of our nation is considered an American citizen. This has unfortunately been taken advantage of as many illegal immigrants come to the United States, give birth and then use their children to sponsor their requests for permanent residency. As many as 340,000 of these "anchor babies" are born in the United States every year.

This has caused for millions of dollars to be spent on welfare systems in each state every year.

As of July of this year, the estimated number of Mexican nationals in America was 1 in 8. That means that over 10% of Mexicans live here in America illegally. To put it another way, in 2009, the Mexican population was over 111 million. This means that almost 16 million illegal immigrants - from Mexico alone - are drawing benefits from our social programs.

We are footing the bill.

Think of the ramifications of having that many people from any nation entering our own. One of the major problems of this invasion is that if granted amnesty like the Usurper in Chief's administration wants, this is an extremely large block of potential voters.

If amnesty is granted, we will never see conservative values in our nation again.

The resolution put on the table by GOP congressional leaders is to repeal the 14th Amendment. This would in fact resolve the "anchor baby" issue. However, we would find ourselves in a scarier time than now.

Imagine this, Nancy Pelosi said in 2003 that a baby isn't a person until 30 days after they go home from the hospital. If the 14th Amendment is repealed, and the "progressive leftists" remain anywhere close to power, this could be extended until the age 18. This may sound like a stretch, but it isn’t a very big one.

How would your children be able to "earn" their citizenship?

Imagine counter balancing the political power of 16 million voters spread across America. A rather large concession would have to be offered in order to convince the Usurper in Chief not to veto this bill.

The Usurper in Chief has an idea. What he has suggested in the past is that every citizen has an obligation to serve in a "civic service" not unlike a civilian military assigned to police our neighborhoods "for the greater good.” Basically, we earn our "right" to be a citizen by policing our own friends and neighbors.

Including a clause such as one that mandates a civic duty requirement to receive citizenship is one of the few ways that the Usurper in Chief would even consider signing a bill like this.

If we don't give him this, any other cost would be just as devastating.

Here’s a positive solution though so long as we can get past the Usurper in Chief. Amend the 14th Amendment to state that any child born to one or both parents of illegal status do not receive “birthright” citizenship. Of course, this is really going to upset some of those Liberation theorists and leftist progressives in Washington D.C.

Folks, it is time to stand up. Time to fight against our nation being stolen by illegal immigrants and dirty politics. Let us amend the 14th Amendment and not repeal it all together leaving our nation susceptible to mandated civic duties. Let us remove the concern with “anchor babies” and reallocate those Welfare funds to Americans who really need it. If we find Mexican or other illegal immigrants coming here to have babies, pop them out and send them back.

We should be more willing to help someone once than to support them for generations. You don’t pay taxes for that. You pay taxes for roads, schools, police and our military (etc.). Following this idea will save American money and resources… for Americans.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Re: Banning our Ammo!

The EPA denied the petition prohibiting the use and production of lead based hunting ammunition.


To read the letter sent to the petitioner in response the decision, go here: http://www.epa.gov/oppt/chemtest/pubs/Owens_Petition_Response.pdf

Obama Deception: Liberation Theology and the Usurper in Chief

Have you ever turned on your television and wondered what the next Obama deception was going to be? Or have you ever felt that our Usurper in Chief was acting directly against the wishes of everyone you know? How about considering the option that the Usurper in Chief is making specific decisions that are going to destroy our nation.

Well, it’s unfortunate but you are absolutely right in feeling this way.

Why would any U.S. President act in such a way?

The Usurper in chief is doing as he feels is necessary to "restore" America, and it has a lot to do with Reverend Wright and their liberation theology.

Before I delve too far into the inner workings of our Usurper in Chief, let's take a look at what the general context of "Liberation Theology" really is.

"Liberation Theology is presented as the effort to think clearly about the meaning of religious faith in the context of oppression, war, poverty, inequality and environmental destruction, and the effort to live a compassionate, courageous and life-sustaining response to those conditions. Over the past several decades, people inspired by Liberation Theology have sought to give voice to a response that both addresses the needs of those who are injured and oppressed, and also works to change the structures and ongoing processes of injury and oppression (http://liberationtheology.org/)."
What does this mean and how will it affect us?

Well, it means that as long as the Usurper in Chief is in office, he is right. Right about the fact that we, America, are no longer a Christian nation. We no longer follow the moral and ethical guidelines that our nation was founded on with the teachings of Christ or Scripturally sound principles.

It means that anyone who was offended, oppressed, belittled or "hated," will find a "social justice" defined by the progressive leftists currently in office.

Conservative values are now under attack. Looking at several recent controversies in the political realm, we can see this. Here's a few examples "liberation theology" will take and twist, and what to expect if the Usurper in Chief had his way.

Since marriage is a controversial issue in recent news, let's look at that. Conservative values propose that marriage shall be between one man and one. Since liberation theology states that the oppressed will have social justice, gay marriage is almost a guarantee under the Obama regime.

Homosexuals will either 1) be able to marry, or 2) convince our government to not recognize ANY marriage and have all marriages recognized as civil unions only.

Liberation theology also explains why the Usurper in Chief has Kevin Jennings as his education czar. Jennings is a proponent of the "gay education" of kindergarten-aged children. This is a type of education program many public schools are adopting which utilizes same-sex couples in text books and educates that homosexuality is an accepted and at times the "better" lifestyle. Parents don't even have the option to opt out of this program.

Due to the Usurper in Chief's liberation theology, this also explains the proposition of the Hate Crimes Bill. This bill allows special protections to individuals who are of a racial or sexual oriented minority. Say a voyeur, flashes your spouse or your child. Of course, you or your spouse might react with a slap or punch. However, while the flasher will receive a state misdemeanor charge, your spouse would receive a federal felony because the flasher was "discriminated" against because of their sexual proclivities.

Liberation theology is why the Usurper in Chief supports every religion but Christianity. The Usurper in Chief actually seems to support Islam over any other religion. If he isn't a Jihadist himself then their feelings of needing to destroy America is "socially justified" somehow, which is why he promotes Islam as his "favored" religion.

The last example of how liberation theology is destroying our nation through the hands of our Usurper in chief, examine the New Black Panther movement. They were taken to court and charged with voter fraud and intimidation. For "some" reason, the Department of Justice dropped the charges, regardless of the fact that they were caught on video threatening voters in Pennsylvania in 2008.

Have you seen other examples this liberation theology being applied to certain "types" of people who claim discrimination being "socially justified" by the Usurper in Chief?

I believe you have.

Re: Stimulate This

So did anyone catch where the DOW ended today?


That's right folks, -141 points.

BUT we're supposed to spend what little savings we have left... to get the ECONOMY going.

What was that Stimulus Bill for again?

Friday, August 27, 2010

Stimulate This


President Barack Obama said his $787 billion stimulus bill “has worked as intended” as he pushed back against Republican criticism that his recovery program has failed to rescue the economy.

“It has already extended unemployment insurance and health insurance to those who have lost their jobs in this recession,” Obama, who is traveling today in Ghana, said in his weekly Saturday radio and Web address. “It has delivered $43 billion in tax relief to American working families and business.”

<Excerpted-Click on the link at the top to read the rest of the story>
There are a few key elements to address with this issue: Unemployment, the stimulus, stock markets and the Fed.

The Usurper in Chief is LYING.

If our great messianic wannabe is actually telling the truth about our economy, we would be able to establish that the economy is IN FACT taking a positive turn. Well, I’m, sorry to say that it is not. The numbers of jobs that have been created are FAR overwhelmed by the numbers of jobs lost. It is simple math.

America has been overwhelmed with the number of unemployment claims the last two plus years. Just this month (the week of 8/13/10), this number of NEW unemployment claims topped out at over half a million people. The latest jobless claims report suggests that hiring remains weak. In a healthy economy, weekly claims usually fall below 400,000.

I wish I could believe ANYTHING that came from the Usurper in chief.

Unfortunately, we can’t. None of us can. What was it, July? The Usurper in Chief came out for a press conference and stated that the stimulus is working? And again this week Slow Joe announced that the “Stimulus worked (http://bit.ly/c8prUd)!” when he revealed a 50 page report of roses and fluff about how the stimulus is working to save our economy.

If this were the case, if this were not just some propaganda that the White House is spewing forth to influence voters or appease the masses, we would see two big things NOT happening right now.

We would NOT see the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit below 10000 (9,985.81 on 8/26/10 at closing) for the first time in several weeks. All that rallying that was going on? Well, it wasn’t enough to support peoples’ hopes that out economy was improving.

As quick and dirty as I can make this, here is a brief explanation of how this works.

  • As consumer confidence improves, so does the investing in companies (producers) and spending on products.  
  • People invest in companies they think are going to make money. 
  • As consumers buy, a product there is a certain profit margin attained and thus the companies make money.  
  • When these companies make money, they split up the take and then shareholders can make money. The more profit that companies are making, the larger the amount of money its shareholders receive at the end of the year. These are called dividends. 
  • The greater the potential for dividends increases the price of the stock. Now keep in mind that several other factors go into account with this but it is a VERY basic idea for most people to get.  
  • If consumer confidence falters, they stop buying as many products or services. Right? This can potentially decrease the profits shareholders would receive, making them want to sell that stock and buy something else. OR, they would want to sell those stocks before the stock prices drop making the shareholders lose money when they actually sell. This drives the price of the stocks down.

Consumer confidence is built typically on how much disposable income you have. This is the money you have in your pockets to spend on nonessential items, such as computers, cars, toys, expensive clothing, etc. As jobs go away, so does consumer confidence because you no longer have the extra money to buy things. This meaning that as JOBS go, consumer confidence follows, as does the price of stocks. It is a fragile cycle, constantly playing off each other.

Now how does the FED come into play here? Well, Mr. Ben Bernanke, the Chairman of the Fed has the power by simply saying things are going to get better or worse, that MANY of us go out and spend money when HE says. This is regardless of how the economy ACTUALLY turns out.

Banks lend more, we spend more, and money increases “velocity.” Velocity is an economics term that no one cares about. Anyway, even though we were told to spend more, and an attempt was made to convince us that the economy was bouncing back, the jobless rate keeps increasing.


No one cares that Ben Bernanke SAYS things are getting better because we have eyes. So we don’t spend money.

All in all, this has led us to where as of today; When Bernanke said the Fed was prepared to make a “major new investment” by buying up some of our government’s debt if the economy worsened considerably (http://yhoo.it/a1SgfR). The goal in buying more debt would be to lower interest rates and convince us to SPEND MORE MONEY.

Unfortunately, with the jobless rate increasing, the FED sees unemployment growing to over 10 percent potentially into the teens by late next year. This only decreases consumer confidence and makes us hold onto our money.

So it is after the market has closed today, and what am I looking at? The DOW closed 1.6 % (+/-) higher today.


Well, Benny Boy said that things look like they’re going to take a positive turn in about a year and a half and there are more sheep than people in America today. Unfortunately, for us Benny Boy, we’re on the brink of a double-dip. If we end up falling into a second recession, we may not entirely survive it AND we’ll have the load of pork and nonsense - called the stimulus bill - that the Usurper in Chief spent last YEAR that was SUPPOSED to have “saved us.”

Benny Boy, stop filling our heads with nonsense and setting us up for more problems. If we start spending our nest eggs and disposable incomes as a GAMBLE that was based off what you told us, well, our ruin is on your hands. Readers, take the time to SEE what is happening, and think about what will happen if you spend too much of your cushion and you are part of the lucky 13% December 2011 who has no home, no job, no car. All because some bigwig was trying to manipulate the system with declarations.

He says spend, I say no.




Thursday, August 26, 2010

Banning Our Ammo!!!

With the fall hunting season fast approaching, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under Lisa Jackson, who was responsible for banning bear hunting in New Jersey, is now considering a petition by the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) – a leading anti-hunting organization – to ban all traditional ammunition under the Toxic Substance Control Act of 1976, a law in which Congress expressly exempted ammunition.

If the EPA approves the petition, the result will be a total ban on all ammunition containing lead-core components, including hunting and target-shooting rounds. The EPA must decide to accept or reject this petition by November 1, 2010, the day before the midterm elections.

Today, the EPA has opened to public comment the CBD petition. The comment period ends on October 31, 2010.
<Excerpted-Click on the link at the top to read the rest of the story>

First, if you want to see the original petition, go to http://bit.ly/cOoHr2, and if you want to skip that and just submit a comment against this petition, go to http://bit.ly/9nMgdT.

We are urged by the National Shooting Sports Foundation to leave comments in opposition to the petition. If you do so, please address the following issues.
  • There is no scientific evidence that the use of traditional ammunition is having an adverse impact on wildlife populations.
  • Wildlife management is the proper jurisdiction of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services and the 50 state wildlife agencies.
  • A 2008 study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on blood lead levels of North Dakota hunters confirmed that consuming game harvested with traditional ammunition does not pose a human health risk.
  • A ban on traditional ammunition would have a negative impact on wildlife conservation. The federal excise tax that manufacturers pay on the sale of the ammunition (11 percent) is a primary source of wildlife conservation funding. The bald eagle’s recovery, considered to be a great conservation success story, was made possible and funded by hunters using traditional ammunition – the very ammunition organizations like the CBD are now demonizing.
  • Recent statistics from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service show that from 1981 to 2006 the number of breeding pairs of bald eagles in the United States increased 724 percent. And much like the bald eagle, raptor populations throughout the United States are soaring.Contact information will be provided for Lisa P. Jackson, Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; and the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD), in a bit.
Second, what is THIS about!?

Talk about an agenda driven measure to STRIP Americans of their second amendment rights! “Sure you can own guns to protect yourself, BUT you’ll never be able to use them.” That is the very problem with activists such as the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD).

They are saying that the lead core of bullets used for hunting is causing the lead poisoning of wildlife. Um, did someone hit their heads too hard? I have spent A LOT of time researching this.

Legitimate scientific evidence that supports the claim that traditional Ammunition harms wildlife population DOES NOT EXIST. How many hundreds of years has mankind been hunting with lead based bullets? The use of lead ammunition dates back to the 14th century and parallels development of gunpowder. However, the GOVERNMENT officials and ACTIVISTS say that in the last 100 years lead poisoning has become a problem of “epidemic proportions (http://www.usgs.gov/corecast/details.asp?ID=86).”

I have found it to be most likely the result of the Usurper in Chief’s “regulatory czar,” Cass Sunstein. Sunstein is one of the most radical animal rights bureaucrats in the White House and as a close friend of the Usurper in Chief was appointed as head of the Office of INFORMATION and REGULATORY Affairs.

To give you a little background on the guy,

He wrote the book, “Nudge.” “Nudge is a book that looks at you and me as Guinea pigs. He writes about how to manipulate us into doing exactly what we are “supposed” to do. A little nudge here, a little nudge there, guiding us to be a better utopian society.

This is the guy who tried to get all of us out of our SUVs. Global warming this, and global warming that, Please don’t drive them *sniff*, Oh the HUMANITY! Well this didn’t work sooooo…

That’s about the time you hear about this amazing deal known as “CASH FOR CLUNKERS.” Aha!

Manipulative little guy isn’t he?

So with that established, the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs has executive powers from the White House, which include the Departments of Interior and Agriculture. The Department of the Interior maintains regulation over national and wildlife issues. While the EPA is not under any DIRECT control of these departments, they are “supposed” to work in unison.

This means that there is an EXTREMELY pro-animal rights activist who potentially has the ability to influence whether we are able to use ammunition. Does this sound at all like the Cash for Clunkers bit?
There is another piece to this upsetting puzzle.


Think of this. You are granted a right by the Constitution, a right that is INALIENABLE anyway. Constitutions do not grant rights. Rights that are granted can be revoked. Besides, the US constitution is merely a list of things the government can't do. But, because some ninny is concerned about a bird or two, and wants (with a “Nudge”) to ban Lead Core Ammunition from being used, they are essentially stripping the ABILITY TO USE ANY GUN AWAY FROM US! Lead Core Ammunition is the cheapest way for us to protect ourselves and its mainstream use for hunting and plinking is no more common than SELF PROTECTION.

Oh, you’re GOOD Usurper in Chief. NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

The “regulatory czar” will most likely allow us to purchase non-Lead Ammunition BUT at a price. How does $5.00 - $10.00 A BULLET sound? They can also decide and will, probably sooner than we think, expect us to catalog or limit the number of rounds we are to buy.

This is NOT GOOD. When we are on the brink of having a Totalitarian/Authoritarian government regime.

If we are not there ALREADY.

So what if they ban our ammo? They make us more susceptible to their attacks and pressures to cow to their demands and LOSE OUR FREEDOM to another England but WORSE. Look at two of the most famous totalitarian leaders of last century: Stalin and Hitler.

They are taxing us to a point of not surviving (http://secondamendmentman.blogspot.com/2010/08/tax-storm-is-coming.html) and then taking away our abilities to provide and protect ourselves.

This road is getting shorter. The bridge is almost crossed. We are almost there.

I promised to provide you with contact information. I could not find any contact info for Cass Sunstien except for his Harvard Email.

Publicly provided contact information for the following:
  • Cass Sunstein
    •  Phone: 617-496-2291
    •  John F. Kennedy School of Government
    •  Mailbox NR
    •  79 JFK Street
    •  Email: csunstei@law.harvard.edu
  • Center for Biological Diversity (CBD)
    •  P.O. Box 710
    •  Tucson, AZ 85702-0710
    •  Phone: (520) 623.5252
    •  Toll-free: (866) 357.3349
    •  Fax: (520) 623.9797
    •  Email: center@biologicaldiversity.org
  • Lisa P. Jackson
    •  Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
    •  1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
    •  Washington, DC 20460
    •  Phone: (202) 564-4700
    •  Fax: (202) 501-1450
    •  Email: jackson.lisa@epa.gov

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Tax Storm Is Coming

President Obama's finance team is recommending a transaction tax. His plan is to sneak it in after the November election to keep it under the radar. This is a 1% tax on all transaction at any financial institution i.e. Banks, Credit Unions, extra. Any deposit you make, or move around within your account, i.e. transfer to, will have a 1% tax charged. If your paycheck or your social Security or whatever is direct deposit, 1% tax charged. If you hand carry a check in to deposit, 1% tax charged, if you take cash in to deposit, 1% tax charged. This is from the man who promised that if you make under $250,000 per year, you will not see one penny of new tax.

Apparently, the Usurper in Chief has already started trying to pass a bill in the House of Representatives meaning TO MAGICALLY DIMINISH all of the American debt that HE created.

For the full details check out - http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h111-4646

This bill is expected to QUOTE – “To establish a fee on transactions which would eliminate the national debt and replace the income tax on individuals.”

This “Transaction Tax” would impose a 1% tax on EVERY transaction except buying and selling stock. If you use your debit cards, credit cards, cash, check book, transfer funds from checking to savings, put money into an IRA for retirement.


Sure this may pay down some of the mess that our Great Usurper in Chief has gotten us into, BUT…

Where does this stop? To what end?

Every time you pay with a check card to buy gas, 1%.

Every time you buy baby formula IN CASH, 1%.

Every time you buy toilet paper, 1%.

Water, rent, mortgage, insurance, deposit a paycheck, withdraw “tooth fairy” money for the kids, CASH a check; HELL, EVEN TO USE CASH! – 1%

Can you imagine all of the things that we spend money on EACH DAY? How many transactions do you make on any given day?

4? 5? 10?

What we are going to find with this is that a majority of our disposable income, the MONEY WE LIVE ON, is going straight to the fat cats S-O-Bs in Washington!

If you go buy a car for $30,000, the 1% tax will be $300.00. That seems like it’s nothing. BUT if you buy this $30,000 car with financing, WELL THAT’s A DIFFERENT STORY. If you get a $30,000 five year loan with, say 6.16% percent interest rate (new car), 6% sales tax (D.C. http://bit.ly/9Gos0S), $2,000 down payment and a $10,000 trade-in value on your old car, you will have a payment of roughly $385.00 a month (http://bit.ly/auHM4I).

This turns that $300.00 tax payment into - the original $300.00 plus 1% 60 times (385 *.01*60=$231), you end up paying $531.00 on the car just in transaction taxes! This doesn’t include tags(1%), insurance(1%), gas(1%) or anything else you need just to operate it such as oil changes(1%).
This bill has already been referred to the following committees:

Unfortunately these committees don’t usually let US - THEIR BOSSES – know what the hell is going on inside their twisted little minds!

We are going to go BROKE just trying to pay for dinner! We need to get these guys under control! If you click on the links for the different committees you will be able to see just who the HELL is reviewing this bill. If you see one of YOUR representatives, CALL, E-MAIL, FAX OR PERSONALLY VISIT them and tell them to STRAIGHTEN OUT THEIR CRAP on behalf of the ones THEY WORK FOR!

That is if you can afford to get there.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010



Principle of unqualified submission to authority, as opposed to individual freedom of thought and action. As a political system, authoritarianism is antidemocratic in that political power is concentrated in a leader or small elite not constitutionally responsible to those governed. It differs from totalitarianism in that authoritarian governments usually lack a guiding ideology, tolerate some pluralism in social organization, lack the power to mobilize the whole population in pursuit of national goals, and exercise their power within relatively predictable limits. See also absolutism, dictatorship.
I just have to say something quick and brief here.  How many Czars of whatever are ther entitled to the Usurper In Chief by the Constitution?

What about the spending that will ultimately be America's end?



Ahmadinejad Gets a New Toy

Ahmadinejad inaugurates Iran's first unmanned bomber aircraft
TEHRAN, Iran - TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Sunday inaugurated the country's first domestically-built, long-range, unmanned bomber aircraft, calling it an "ambassador of death" to Iran's enemies.

Speaking to a group of officials Ahmadinejad said, "The jet, as well as being an ambassador of death for the enemies of humanity, has a main message of peace and friendship."
The goal of the aircraft is to "keep the enemy paralyzed in its bases," he said, adding that the jet is for deterrence and defensive purposes.
The president championed the country's military self-sufficiency program, and said it will continue "until the enemies of humanity lose hope of ever attacking the Iranian nation."
<Excerpted-Click on the link at the top to read the rest of the story>

The propaganda has REALLY started to roll in here. One thing that we must not let happen, is the wool to be pulled over our eyes.

For Ahmadinejad to even think for ONE SECOND that the American people – let alone the WORLD - would believe the nonsense about (basically) a knock-off American Predator called an “ambassador of death” being a message of PEACE and FRIENDSHIP? He must have been watching too many 1955 “B” rated sci-fi movies at the palatial drive-in.

Who does guy think he IS!?!

There is no person on this planet outside of Iran that would believe his crap unless it was the Ahmi()-whipped Libyans and Syrians. (These are the guys who are planning to strike Israel in a couple of weeks on behalf of Iran.)

We all should pay attention to the reference to “the enemies of humanity” that Ahmadinejad used. HE’S TALKING ABOUT US!

Ahmadinejad is talking about America people and nearby Israel. Remember that Iran has erased the Holocaust from their memories and declared that it never took place. In the past, they have promised Israel’s destruction and are financially backing Hamas in the harassing of the Israelis among the Gaza Strip.

Iran, however, recently celebrated the fueling of their first nuclear reactor, which has caused for international alarm due to the MILITARY applications of nuclear technologies.. Ahmadinejad’s response noted in the ceremony on Sunday suggested that if they were attacked, they would retaliate with overwhelming response.

SERIOUSLY? Ahmadinejad is clearly looking for an excuse! He wants the world to feel justified when he pushes that little red button to bomb Israel to no more.

He states, "The scope of Iran's reaction will include the entire the earth," said Ahmadinejad. "We also tell you — the West — that all options are on the table."


The problem is that Ahmadinejad is professing that the Karrar (the name of this vessel) is purposed for defense. Let me ask you now… With 1000 Year old commandment from their god, for the destruction of Jews, how can anyone believe that this is ONLY INTENDED FOR DEFENSE!

This is CLEARLY for offense, and is just a precursor to what they have in store for Israel. Even though the specifications and abilities of this vessel were not released to the media, this threat may very well be real for anyone on the face of the planet.

Even if Iran does not have true nuclear capabilities, so long as they shoot ANYTHING under the guise of “nuclear” it could set off a GLOBAL CONFLICT.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Ground Zero Mosque Protests Fan the Flames of Jihad


It seems that rhetoric and propaganda are getting the best of us again. The Islamic Jihadists are using the Ground Zero Mosque issue to fuel their hatred against America.

However, Americans have a part to play in this as well. They are playing into the hands of the Islamic Jihadists who have placed this issue on the table. Yes I said PLACED.

With the protests against a planned Islamic community center near Manhattan's Ground Zero and the expression of anti-Muslim sentiment growing nationwide, Islamic Jihadists are stepping up their threats against the United States.

They are blaming us for starting this fight. One Jihadist threatened suicide bombings in Florida as a retaliatory measure against a threat to burn a Koran.

As for the comment about Islamic Jihadists PLACING this conflict in our midst, here are a few points that we all MUST realize:

1) It is Islamic Jihadists' goal to cause as much disruption and terror in the U.S.

2) The plans proposed for the Ground Zero Mosque are to cost well over $100 MILLION.

3) Feisal Abdul Rauf - the Muslim Imam who presented the ideas and plans for the mosque at Ground Zero - has just over $100,000 in his personal finances and assets.

4) The Interfaith Alliance refuses to provide WHERE and WHO this $100 MILLION is coming from. All we know is that the money is coming from mostly an international source. However, IRAN and SAUDI ARABIA have not been ruled out as contributors (http://bit.ly/cm76NG).

 5) Fifteen of the 19 9/11 attackers were Saudi nationals, and Iran is a known sponsor of terrorist groups.

6) The Interfaith Alliance is pushing for the Ground Zero Mosque to be built and answering protests with arguments based on "their" constitutional rights to freedom of religion. However, Freedom of religion should not be a concern here. There needs to be a level of decency extended to the families of the 9/11 victims. This is ONLY CAUSING DISRUPTION and TERRORISTIC THREATS between non-Muslims and Jihadists.

7) The increasing unrest, protests and threats of violence to Muslims combined with anti-Muslim sentiment expressed across the United States has only offered up a lousy EXCUSE (at best ) for Islamic Jihadists to attack us AGAIN! But they will no matter how weak the excuse.

8) Islamic Jihadists have PROMISED retribution for spreading HATE about Islam.


Okay. What I get from looking at the facts, to me, means that Iran and Saudi Arabia have been known to sponsor terrorist groups in or against the U.S. Right? So if they are the ones funding the Ground Zero Mosque, AND their goals - as proponents of Islamic Jihad - are to cause as much disruption and terror in the U.S.; would it be safe to believe that Islamic Jihadists are behind the proposal of the Mosque?

If Islamic Jihadists are behind the proposal of the Ground Zero Mosque, then someone took their time planning how things would play out. Someone guessed correctly (and quite easily) that American citizens – let alone New Yorkers – would be upset. They guessed correctly that the leftist puppet in chief would come out in support of the Ground Zero Mosque. They guessed correctly that there would be political polarization and protests, big puffed up threats and Anti-Muslim comments being made. They guessed correctly that it could very well split our nation, leaving us weak and distracted. They knew that the door will soon open for them to attack.

The other aspect of this, is that, the very thought of Islamic Jihadists threatening the U.S. for protesting a mosque being built at Ground Zero - the location where THE VERY SAME JIHADISTS DESTROYED the World Trade Center buildings- are the ones funding and potentially attacking the U.S. is sickening - more terror.

  Is it okay to have the Ground Zero Mosque built two blocks away from the World Trade Center Site?


No it is not. If the Ground Zero Mosque is built, a 13 story “Multi Faith Youth Facility not unlike a YMCA(crap)( Found at http://bit.ly/cgT1JU )” will scar the hearts and minds of Americans for years to come – AS LONG AS IT STANDS. New Yorkers and Non-New Yorkers alike will see the Mosque for what it really is.

  A reminder. A slap in the face that “we killed your families and loved ones and destroyed your buildings AND THEN were not only allowed by YOUR government but also SUPPORTED by your government to erect a monument to the destruction WE caused.”

 But that was the plan all along wasn’t it?

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Nancy Pelosi: Who's funding the mosque opposition?

Nancy Pelosi: Who's funding the mosque opposition?

The Post's Greg Sargent reports that Speaker Pelosi's office has issued a statement, clarifying her earlier remarks to a local California radio station. "I support the statement made by the Interfaith Alliance that 'We agree with the ADL that there is a need for transparency about who is funding the effort to build this Islamic center," the statement reads, "At the same time, we should also ask who is funding the attacks against the construction of the center.'


<Excerpted-Click on the link at the top to read the rest of the story>

Alright I have come to the conclusion after reading this article that America is facing its greatest enemy yet.


What Nancy Pelosi is doing is just trying to distract Americans eyes from a real and ever growing threat of this ground zero mosque being built. Here is a slap in the face to all of the 9/11 families!

It is absolutely a horrific idea and needs to be nipped in the bud.

Taking families from the 9/11 tragedy into consideration (and the rest of our great nation) would ultimately be the best decision that the Interfaith Alliance SHOULD be doing. Instead, they are demanding that we as Americans uphold our commitments to the promise of freedom of religion.

Freedom of religion should not even come into play here in this debate. And to Pelosi – WHO CARES WHO IS FUNDING THIS OPPOSITION!!!!!

If this were a freedom of religion issue, many more people would be on board in the construction taking place. But if you are going to devote land TWO BLOCKS from the site of the World Trade Center to building a worship center for a religion that DESTROYED those very buildings in a statement of their faith…


That’s right folks. They do. The very jihadists that flew those planes into the World Trade Center buildings. The very men who killed 2,985 on that fateful day. The very men who devote their LIVES and EVERY RESOURCE to the destruction and decimation of the United States of America.

These are the men who win. All the while slapping the faces of the children, spouses, parents and other loved ones who were affected by the tragic loss of their husbands, fathers, wives, mothers, sisters, brothers, friends, grandparents, children, cousins and acquaintances.

This is not to mention that it disrespects the sacrifices that Americans have mad as a whole to accommodate the increased security measures and other B.S. that we have to face because of the constant threat that ANOTHER MUSLIM JIHADIST is going to strike again.

So Ms. Pelosi, You ask who is funding the opposition to the Ground Zero Mosque. I say who the hell cares?

Shut your Anti-American yap and go pester someone who won’t protest… like France. Or maybe you should start your own little screwed up country down in a lovely place – I actually think you’ll enjoy it there – Antarctica.

But to those of us who do care, the decision will ultimately come to New Yorkers hands. We can encourage them and pray that they make a righteous decision.

Keep in mind that not ALL Muslims are Jihadists, and we should never HATE. But be prepared. The day will come when we must choose between freedom of religion and what is right.

“Israel will be Attacked by Lebanon and Syria within the Next Two Weeks.”

Doomsday Articles Reflect Edginess on Iran
by Gil Ronen

Two articles that appeared in internet news sites Sunday morning appear to reflect an atmosphere of edginess in parts of the Israeli public regarding the possibility of a war with Iran and its proxies. One was written by a person who claims to be part of a forum of experts but uses a pseudonym, and the other was written by Udi Pridan, an advertising executive.

An article signed by Haggai Amos, a pseudonym, appeared in the News1 website, under the headline: “Israel will be Attacked by Lebanon and Syria within the Next Two Weeks.”

Amos is identified as a member of the “Israeli Intelligence Forum,” which includes retired members of the intelligence community and former government officials.

The Russian-Iranian move to open the Bushehr nuclear plant this weekend, Amos opines, was meant to signal to the “declining powers of Europe and the U.S.” that a new front is taking shape: Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, North Korea, Brazil and Venezuela are all lining up against the West.

Iran wants a war to break out between Israel and Lebanon within the next two weeks, the article claims. Lebanon, it warns, will launch missiles against all parts of Israel, especially Tel Aviv. This “first strike” will cause massive casualties and psychological shock in Israel and will be accompanied by missile fire from Hamas in Gaza and by terror attacks in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem.
<Excerpted-Click on the link at the top to read the rest of the story>

So this happens to be a scary time that we are in. This article sets up the powers I believe are foretold about in the past. Yes folks, this is END TIMES stuff here.

The problem is, we as Americans have an absolute anti-Semite in the White House today. No, I am not referring to the Portuguese water dog lovingly referred to as Bo. As far as I can tell, he’s not anti-Semitic.

However, Mr. Obama has pointed out several times that he will not assist Israel with any confrontation and has even come to a point of bullying them to back down to the very nations planning their demise.

This is NOT okay.

America has always sided with Israel until now. This is why Libyan and Syrian leaders refer to Obama as a weak leader. Because they know that if they were to follow through with these plans to attack Israel, Obama will not come to Israel’s aid.

Come on Obama! Pull your head out and use it! Your nation is losing faith in you constantly and now, well you are proving why.

Re: The Second Amendment

I received an e-mail today calling me on the last post that I made yesterday in regards to the Second Amendment. What was brought to my attention absolutely reminded me that my testicles must have been in my other purse.

Let me correct myself.

I do believe that we have the INALIENABLE rights to protect ourselves. I also know that we are commanded by God to do so. In the case that our nation has become (a sorry one at that), we are to a breaking point. Several people believe that we are at the tipping point of our nation's history.

This may sound like an interesting claim, but need I remind you that bureaucrats are the problem. We have allowed the progressive leftists to overrun our nation’s capitol and are suffering for it.

I do not call for unnecessary intentional harming of others, but let’s face it folks we’re screwed.

The more we let things go the worse we are becoming. For what? The feelings of those who are so morally misguided that having sex with children is ok and marriage and God are not.

The problem is we have only ourselves to blame. WE as a nation have voted into our most precious of offices a racist, immoral, blaspheming anti-Christian who holds such disdain for America as to be on an even keel with Osama Bin Laden. Look at the spending, the immoral execution of funds and laws, the czars, the executive orders (or threats at this point) to undermine the ENTIRE democratic system for some B.S. about American border policies being too stringent.

I was entirely wrong that war most never be an option. It took a great man to call me on my B.S.

I hope that we don’t end there but have you ever took a minute to THINK about why America is not referred to in the book of Revelation?

We simply are not there. Whether because of economic collapse, military dissolution, or simply being destroyed by one of our enemies, we are just not there.

So let me give you an excerpt of what it was that set me straight:

“1. The Constitution GRANTS NOTHING! Ownership of defensive weapons including firearms is INALIENABLE. It is a right granted, no... It is a commandment given by GOD HIMSELF.

2. To everything there is a season. That includes a time for war, which this nation is quickly approaching on several fronts. AND WAR IS THE CORRECT ANSWER. War was the correct answer to Pearl Harbor in 1941, in fact, it would have been the correct answer in 1939 when Germany invaded Poland. War with the British was the correct answer in 1776. War was the correct answer in 1812. War with Mexico was the correct answer again in 1842. And war was the correct answer in 1914. Every one of these just wars absolutely solved something that desperately needed solving at that time.

The wars that do not solve anything are unjust, wrong or wars fought in a half-hearted manner. These are wars that shouldn't be fought at all either because they're unwinable or we don't have the heart to complete the task assigned to us. The US Civil War, the Korean War, Viet Nam, "the war on poverty", "the war on drugs", Iraq, Afghanistan are great examples of wars we never should have engaged in.

3. Wars are of their nature violent but Americans have embraced the concept of "civilized war". They want war where as few people as possible are injured or killed. They want infrastructure intact when the war is over. This is not how you fight a war. Wars need to be so very violent and destructive your enemy never wants to engage with you again.”

Remember that if the Constitution can GIVE us a right it can also TAKE IT AWAY.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Second Amendment

I recently started thinking about the second amendment and what it means. Or, rather what the second amendment should mean for you and me as individuals and citizens of this fine nation.

The second amendment states:
Amendment II

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,

the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

In my understanding, this means to me that our second amendment right allows us not only to own guns but also to use them to protect ourselves from criminals and other threats.

In being a “well regulated Militia,” the second amendment says that we as citizens are to be able to protect ourselves from foreign governments that may attempt to invade. However, I also take this to mean that we may protect ourselves from authoritarian regimes. If a government is an authoritarian regime, then it has started controlling more power than is legally granted by its constitution or is attempting to rule over another nation with absolute power. Look At England at the beginning of this great nation's history, for example.

This seems to be a simple way of describing it, but we need to make a simple adjustment to our vision.


Authoritarian governments may (and do) exist all over the world. These governments include places such as China, North Korea and Iran. However, many more nations than this in the world are authoritarians. This is just to set the premise.

If we (the United States of America) were to be taken over by one of these types of Governments, we would go to war. Would we not?

So, the question remains that if our own government becomes this authoritarian government, What should we do?

While the Constitution grants us the right to protect ourselves in the second amendment, we must utilize violence only as a last resort. I do not condone the use of violence and would love to see this great nation restored to greatness. But war is not the answer, and hopefully will not ever be.

That is why we must stand up now, America. Take progressive liberalism by their reproductive parts and kick them – HARD! All while being as patient and respectful as possible…of course.

Now hold on a minute here, I am NOT telling any of you to ACTUALLY stomp on some poor democrats scrotum (just yet), only to make sure that we can unite as a nation of FREE MEN (and women) and kick this nasty habit of letting any and all of our very decency go to the wayside.

Only a couple of months left to get the message out. Let’s work on it.

And for God's sake! Leave my second amendment alone!

Welcome to The Second Amendment Man.

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