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Monday, August 23, 2010

Ground Zero Mosque Protests Fan the Flames of Jihad


It seems that rhetoric and propaganda are getting the best of us again. The Islamic Jihadists are using the Ground Zero Mosque issue to fuel their hatred against America.

However, Americans have a part to play in this as well. They are playing into the hands of the Islamic Jihadists who have placed this issue on the table. Yes I said PLACED.

With the protests against a planned Islamic community center near Manhattan's Ground Zero and the expression of anti-Muslim sentiment growing nationwide, Islamic Jihadists are stepping up their threats against the United States.

They are blaming us for starting this fight. One Jihadist threatened suicide bombings in Florida as a retaliatory measure against a threat to burn a Koran.

As for the comment about Islamic Jihadists PLACING this conflict in our midst, here are a few points that we all MUST realize:

1) It is Islamic Jihadists' goal to cause as much disruption and terror in the U.S.

2) The plans proposed for the Ground Zero Mosque are to cost well over $100 MILLION.

3) Feisal Abdul Rauf - the Muslim Imam who presented the ideas and plans for the mosque at Ground Zero - has just over $100,000 in his personal finances and assets.

4) The Interfaith Alliance refuses to provide WHERE and WHO this $100 MILLION is coming from. All we know is that the money is coming from mostly an international source. However, IRAN and SAUDI ARABIA have not been ruled out as contributors (http://bit.ly/cm76NG).

 5) Fifteen of the 19 9/11 attackers were Saudi nationals, and Iran is a known sponsor of terrorist groups.

6) The Interfaith Alliance is pushing for the Ground Zero Mosque to be built and answering protests with arguments based on "their" constitutional rights to freedom of religion. However, Freedom of religion should not be a concern here. There needs to be a level of decency extended to the families of the 9/11 victims. This is ONLY CAUSING DISRUPTION and TERRORISTIC THREATS between non-Muslims and Jihadists.

7) The increasing unrest, protests and threats of violence to Muslims combined with anti-Muslim sentiment expressed across the United States has only offered up a lousy EXCUSE (at best ) for Islamic Jihadists to attack us AGAIN! But they will no matter how weak the excuse.

8) Islamic Jihadists have PROMISED retribution for spreading HATE about Islam.


Okay. What I get from looking at the facts, to me, means that Iran and Saudi Arabia have been known to sponsor terrorist groups in or against the U.S. Right? So if they are the ones funding the Ground Zero Mosque, AND their goals - as proponents of Islamic Jihad - are to cause as much disruption and terror in the U.S.; would it be safe to believe that Islamic Jihadists are behind the proposal of the Mosque?

If Islamic Jihadists are behind the proposal of the Ground Zero Mosque, then someone took their time planning how things would play out. Someone guessed correctly (and quite easily) that American citizens – let alone New Yorkers – would be upset. They guessed correctly that the leftist puppet in chief would come out in support of the Ground Zero Mosque. They guessed correctly that there would be political polarization and protests, big puffed up threats and Anti-Muslim comments being made. They guessed correctly that it could very well split our nation, leaving us weak and distracted. They knew that the door will soon open for them to attack.

The other aspect of this, is that, the very thought of Islamic Jihadists threatening the U.S. for protesting a mosque being built at Ground Zero - the location where THE VERY SAME JIHADISTS DESTROYED the World Trade Center buildings- are the ones funding and potentially attacking the U.S. is sickening - more terror.

  Is it okay to have the Ground Zero Mosque built two blocks away from the World Trade Center Site?


No it is not. If the Ground Zero Mosque is built, a 13 story “Multi Faith Youth Facility not unlike a YMCA(crap)( Found at http://bit.ly/cgT1JU )” will scar the hearts and minds of Americans for years to come – AS LONG AS IT STANDS. New Yorkers and Non-New Yorkers alike will see the Mosque for what it really is.

  A reminder. A slap in the face that “we killed your families and loved ones and destroyed your buildings AND THEN were not only allowed by YOUR government but also SUPPORTED by your government to erect a monument to the destruction WE caused.”

 But that was the plan all along wasn’t it?


  1. I think it is a little harsh to refer to muslims as 'WE' in the case of 9/11. It's like blaming christians for Hiroshima or the holocaust.
    Yes muslims perpetrated this heinous act. But it was fanatical muslims.
    I don't blame my irish catholic girlfriend for the murder of irish protestants.
    The more we stoke things up the worse it will get.

  2. Thank you for reading and I hope you continue.
    However, this is simply an issue of misinterpretation. When I stated "WE" it was an acting out of the Islamic Jihadists.

  3. Fair enough. Apologies.
    I really think it would be a blow to the Jihadists to say 'yes' to this though and prove we are bigger than that.

  4. Let's open this up on the forum and discuss this further.


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