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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Nancy Pelosi: Who's funding the mosque opposition?

Nancy Pelosi: Who's funding the mosque opposition?

The Post's Greg Sargent reports that Speaker Pelosi's office has issued a statement, clarifying her earlier remarks to a local California radio station. "I support the statement made by the Interfaith Alliance that 'We agree with the ADL that there is a need for transparency about who is funding the effort to build this Islamic center," the statement reads, "At the same time, we should also ask who is funding the attacks against the construction of the center.'


<Excerpted-Click on the link at the top to read the rest of the story>

Alright I have come to the conclusion after reading this article that America is facing its greatest enemy yet.


What Nancy Pelosi is doing is just trying to distract Americans eyes from a real and ever growing threat of this ground zero mosque being built. Here is a slap in the face to all of the 9/11 families!

It is absolutely a horrific idea and needs to be nipped in the bud.

Taking families from the 9/11 tragedy into consideration (and the rest of our great nation) would ultimately be the best decision that the Interfaith Alliance SHOULD be doing. Instead, they are demanding that we as Americans uphold our commitments to the promise of freedom of religion.

Freedom of religion should not even come into play here in this debate. And to Pelosi – WHO CARES WHO IS FUNDING THIS OPPOSITION!!!!!

If this were a freedom of religion issue, many more people would be on board in the construction taking place. But if you are going to devote land TWO BLOCKS from the site of the World Trade Center to building a worship center for a religion that DESTROYED those very buildings in a statement of their faith…


That’s right folks. They do. The very jihadists that flew those planes into the World Trade Center buildings. The very men who killed 2,985 on that fateful day. The very men who devote their LIVES and EVERY RESOURCE to the destruction and decimation of the United States of America.

These are the men who win. All the while slapping the faces of the children, spouses, parents and other loved ones who were affected by the tragic loss of their husbands, fathers, wives, mothers, sisters, brothers, friends, grandparents, children, cousins and acquaintances.

This is not to mention that it disrespects the sacrifices that Americans have mad as a whole to accommodate the increased security measures and other B.S. that we have to face because of the constant threat that ANOTHER MUSLIM JIHADIST is going to strike again.

So Ms. Pelosi, You ask who is funding the opposition to the Ground Zero Mosque. I say who the hell cares?

Shut your Anti-American yap and go pester someone who won’t protest… like France. Or maybe you should start your own little screwed up country down in a lovely place – I actually think you’ll enjoy it there – Antarctica.

But to those of us who do care, the decision will ultimately come to New Yorkers hands. We can encourage them and pray that they make a righteous decision.

Keep in mind that not ALL Muslims are Jihadists, and we should never HATE. But be prepared. The day will come when we must choose between freedom of religion and what is right.

1 comment:

  1. The problem with Islam is that it's a terrorist political organization masquerading as religion. It uses trappings of religion, followed by terrorist acts, to promote its political goals. The only way to really solve this problem is to recognize it for what it is and outlawed the entire organization. How about, we give all Muslims 30 days to leave the country and lock up any remaining after that time? Seize all property owned by Muslims as a public nuisance with the proceeds going to repay for the damage they caused.

    You and I know this won't happen. We elect morons like the Bushies who proclaim Islam to be a religion of peace. That they're wrong on both counts doesn't seem to enter anyone's head. The next time around we actually elect one of those terrorists to the highest office in the land!

    Political correctness is killing us.


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