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Friday, September 17, 2010

“Silence is Golden” as Federal Policy?

Today is Constitution Day.

Unfortunately, this week we may see the beginnings of yet another attack on our Constitution.  Supreme Court Justice Breyer was interviewed on Good Morning America this week about his new book.  However, discussions strayed from his new book to the consequences of citizens using their speech freely, as demonstrated last weekend with Florida Pastor Jones in the threat to burn a Koran.

I have avoided writing about Pastor Jones regarding his threat to burn a Koran for a specific reason.  I wanted to see what the outcome would be.  I knew that the Usurper in Chief would get involved and that Jones would have most likely not followed through on his promise to burn a Koran on 9/11 of this year.

For the very reason he was chastised and ridiculed as a hate-monger, he should have burned the Koran.  He was Constitutionally protected to do so, and as any good American using his right to free speech, there should have been no repercussions for it.

Justice Breyer mentioned that, “Holmes said it doesn’t mean you can shout ‘fire’ in a crowded theater… Well, what is it?  Why?  Because people will be trampled to death.”  Even someone in a highly respected position as a Supreme Court Justice can be unmistakably wrong.

Justice Breyer is referring to Former Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.'s opinion in the United States Supreme Court case Schenck v. United States in 1919.  This is a popular Quote but often taken out of context.  The misquote fails to mention falsely shouting fire to highlight that speech which is merely dangerous and false which can be distinguished from truthful but also dangerous.  The quote is used as an example of speech which serves no conceivable useful purpose and is extremely and imminently dangerous, which is not practical and expresses the permissible limitations on free speech consistent with the terms of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

Here is the key, the Supreme Court has ruled in past that false and dangerous speech should be limited, not true and dangerous speech.  Pastor Jones wanted to show Islam that enough was enough and we (as Christians) were not going to take any more of their – let’s say stuff.  I absolutely agree that we should not allow for the Islamic Jihadists of our world dominate nor dictate to us how we are to act or believe.  It is only out of fear that they may attain that power. 

So if it is illegal to shout “fire” when there is no fire, because the powers that be say that someone might be unintentionally hurt, why do people see that burning a Koran is a bad thing?  If Jones were to burn a Koran and – as this past week has shown – Muslim extremists go out and kill some Christians for it, are these unintentional repercussions?

No.  They are not the direct result of his own actions or speech.  When these Christians were killed this week, that was the intentional reaction of militant terrorists that had an “religious” affinity for killing Christians already.  These Jihadists were only acting out they ONLY thing they know how to do.  Behave like a two year old with a gun.

Back to the point. 

If Justice Breyer and his anti-patriots in the Supreme Court bring the First Amendment under review, it will become just one more way for the government to attain power.  One more way, for our nation to fall.

He goes on to suggest that cases are what will determine the legality of burning a Koran.  “Cases produce briefs, briefs produce thought.  Arguments are made.  The judges sit back and think.  And most importantly, when they decide, they have to write an opinion, and that opinion has to be based on reason.”  With the reasoning that comes from the Leftist-Progressive judges in the Supreme Court currently holding position, this is a scary thought.

Do you see the irony in making it illegal to burn a Koran, in a Nation where it is legal to burn a Bible and the American Flag?  Scary times ahead.

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